News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
The Health Ranger’s science-based preparedness guide for surviving nuclear fallout
Suddenly the threat of nuclear attack from North Korea seems incredibly real to many people, and even the mainstream media is now warning residents of Hawaii to build bunkers for survival. (Seriously, CNN just reported that.) As is often the case, much of the information you’re told about surviving a nuclear attack is complete bunk. […]
By Mike Adams
“Inequality” DEBUNKED by the Health Ranger
You’ve heard Leftists spout the term “inequality” in a derogatory context, implying that in a fair society, everybody should earn exactly the same amount of money whether they work or not. By definition, this implies that no one should be rewarded for working harder or having better ideas. Economic “equality” has been tried before, and […]
By Mike Adams
Health Ranger calls out Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Dan Bongino for “free market” mistake that pushes pharma monopoly
Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Dan Bongino are all patriotic Americans who love their country. Each of them offers valuable analysis of current events from a conservative / libertarian point of view, but all three are living a huge contradiction in their fragmented advocacy of “free market” health care solutions. All three of these popular […]
By Mike Adams
Health Ranger warns: Bitcoin collapse now under way… has already plunged nearly 40% from its high
In case you having been paying attention to the world of crypto currency, Bitcoin has now collapsed almost 40% from its high, plunging from $3,000 to nearly $1,800 in anticipation of the “Bitcoin civil war” that’s rapidly approaching. From July 21st through the end of the year, a timeline of serious obstacles threatens to crater […]
By Mike Adams
EXCLUSIVE: Health Ranger offers to take over nationwide water quality testing from the EPA, saving taxpayers millions
In this era of widespread government waste, scientific fraud and dangerous cover-ups that poison the population, I’ve got a simple solution: End the EPA era of waste, fraud and abuse by letting accredited, private labs volunteer to take over water quality testing across the nation. As you’ll see in the video below, as the founder and […]
By Mike Adams
Health Ranger demonstrates EMP-proof John Deere tractor repair and maintenance (VIDEO)
In the following videos, prepper and survival skills educator Mike Adams (the Health Ranger) walks you through a fuel boot replacement and basic maintenance on an EMP-proof 1970s John Deere tractor. Because these tractors use no electronics or circuit boards, they are impervious to solar flares or EMP attacks. So knowing how to keep them […]
By Mike Adams
Health Ranger blasts “crybully” CNN for outrageous double standards, gross hypocrisy and very fake news
CNN, once the leader in cable news, is now the leader in crybully journalism. After fabricating fake news to smear Donald Trump — and getting caught — CNN is now crying and whining that it’s the victim in all this. I call it “crybully journalism,” and it’s the same style of putrid, passive-aggressive journalism you […]
By Mike Adams
Breaking: Mike Adams and Alex Jones Taken Down by Google / CIA Prior to Big Event: Trump Needs to Beware
Late last night, I recorded an emergency interview with Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show. In that 45-minute interview, I revealed why I think the Google / CIA “take down” of InfoWars and Natural News is a prelude to a massive event being […]
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